
yogurt and sunsets as therapy

we’re winding up our journey in the gringo-filled beach town of playa tamarindo. we’ve decided to spend the last week on holiday, definitely *not* traveling, with no larger agenda than topping up our tans. and playa tamarindo is defintely a holiday kind of town- overpriced and touristy ($4/hr for the internet!!!) our hotel room is a bit of a splurge – hot water, air con, *and* tv – and we’ve been overdosing on cable movies and afternoon naps. distractions from the increasingly insistent sadness bleeding in at the edges whenever i start to think for more than 5 minutes. it’s hard to be too depressed – gorgeous sunsets and ample amounts of t.c.b.y. frozen yogurt (told you it was touristy) help numb the pain. but i’m definitely blue, and no amount of pretending will hide that.

sorry to be a downer. but here’s a pretty picture to offset some of it.

can’t beat that with a stick. couple more here.

4 Responses to “yogurt and sunsets as therapy”

  1. daddio
    October 10th, 2006 03:52

    nice pics. your photography skills continue to improve with each new place you visit. good to see that jono actually can smile.

  2. Anglofille
    October 10th, 2006 12:14

    sorry to hear you’re in a funk. i’m sure that because you spent so much time planning and dreaming about this trip, the fact that it could be *over* is a shock. there will be a grieving process, but at least you are acknowledging it.

    i’m sure there are many positives to returning home. you’ll no longer have to live out of a suitcase. you’ll get to spend time with people who know you, rather than with complete strangers, many of whom don’t even speak your language. and london in the fall is lovely!

    did that help? :)

  3. kim
    October 10th, 2006 21:00

    Fab photos! Really, well done! The pics evolved throughout your trip!

  4. Jen
    October 10th, 2006 23:54

    thanks guys. trying to stay upbeat, as i don’t want this to ruin the last few days…

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