hitting home
we’ve taken a short detour from wutai shan to pingyao (via tai yuan and more banking madness, but all’s well that ends well and we finally have some cash in hand).
pingyao is a tiny little ming dynasty village, a walled city which has, for most intents and purposes, been preserved in its original state. we were’nt even planning to pass through, except that someone talked us into it.
and so we’ve stumbled into this tiny piece of another time and place. and it’s beautiful. absolutely gorgeous. we wound up having dinner at a funky little place playing reggae with posters and lanterns and candles. drinking beer and watching china pass by. and it suddenly hit me with the force of a tonne of bricks. this one beer is worth all the months and months of socialising i gave up. because this is *it*. this is what i’ve wanted ever since i first discovered my love of travel. this is my big dream. to go around the world. and i am living in it. i am *doing* it.
it’s mine.
April 23rd, 2006 14:58
Brilliant! You go girl! Cherish every minute of this trip. I so envy you the visit to the Buddhist temples.
April 23rd, 2006 17:22
I bet that beer tasted *sooo* good. Well done for getting yourself there and “living the dream,” just like Chantelle. Ha ha!
April 24th, 2006 21:33
That beer sounded like the best ever! I’m thrilled you’re doing this RTW trip…. and providing DH and I with some travel inspiration!